Design management hierarchy demonstrates all the management levels involved in exquisite design management phenomenon. Design management as the name implies is a commendable procedure of using designs, creativity, fashion sense along with project management quality in order to control, manage and build a good structure and layout for any design. In other words design management is the corporate side of designing.
The main target of design management lies in the aspect of maintain as well as developing such a explicit business environment that helps any company in achieving its plans and strategies through the mode of designing. There are numerous levels in the design management hierarchy group which all cannot be explained here. Some of the exquisite yet major levels of the design management hierarchy are explained below in a format of ladder that starts with the highest management level in designing while ending with the lowest one. Just have a quick look –

- Strategic Level Design Management
- Tactical Level Design Management
- Operational Level Design Management
Strategic Level Design Management
This is the top most level in design management hierarchy. One can also refer this level as the corporate level or enterprise level. This management level includes creation of the product strategies, designs, and the brand creation while enduring the fact that the management of design becomes the central key in the exquisite corporate policy formulation phenomenon.
The major goal or mission of this level of management is to strengthen as well as support the vision and target of the corporate and this is done by creating a strong relationship and bond between the corporate strategy and design. Various job titles include the strategic design manager, vice president of innovation management, chief design officer etc.
Tactical Level Design Management
The middle level or the second level of design management hierarchy is tactical one also termed as the business level unit. All the hierarchy and management of design processes and design resources come under the job duty of a tactical level design management official. In short the major key responsibility includes the defining and demonstrating of the way a design is organized within an organization along with the proper extent.
The main goal for this level’s management official incorporates the implementation of design, bridging the loop holes between objectives by using strategic management of design policy and creating a splendid structure for company’s design. Various job hierarchy titles include the tactical design manger, design and innovation manager, design director, brand design manager, visual identity manager etc.
Operational Level Design Management
This is the lowest level of the design management hierarchy that involves the operations work performers instead of administrative work professionals. These professionals handle the responsibility of managing the individual design projects, sometimes in a team or sometimes under supervision.
They work only to achieve the set objectives and goals of strategic design management officials. Originally the success of a commendable design management team gets measured by the quality of outcomes of the operational design management team. The various job titles include the operational design manger, team leader, senior designer, corporate designer etc.
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