In the earlier days, the police force was named as Militsiya in Russia. In the year 2011, it was replaced by the name Police and at present, Police is the main law enforcement organization in Russia. The police organization of Russia operates under the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The Police laws have been approved by the Federal Assembly and the President of Russian Federation. Before getting into the Russian police hierarchy, it is important to know that the police reform in Russia took place in the year 2011 and new amendments were made to the existing laws of the police force, criminal codes and the criminal procedure codes. The name also changed to Politsiya meaning police, from Militsiya.
The police hierarchy is being inherited from the Soviet Union post-independence. After that, the insignia and the uniforms of the police ranks were changed. In a broad sense, the hierarchy is divided into six categories as:

- Supreme officers/General officers
- Senior officers/Field grade officers
- Junior officers/Company grade officers
- Under-officers/Master non-commissioned officers
- Sergeants and Pretty officers
- Soldiers.
Under each and every category, there are officers with their respective names and insignias.
Supreme Officers/General Officer Category
- Marshal of Russian Federation: This is the highest rank of Russia and is immediately above the General of the Army. The Marshal holds an insignia of five stars.
- Army General: This is the second highest rank according to Russian federation. This position is superior to a Colonel General. The Army general holds an insignia of four stars.
- Colonel General: This is a senior rank of general and the insignia is three stars for the Colonel General.
- Lieutenant General: This rank is below the Colonel General and above the Major General. The insignia for the Lieutenant General is of two stars.
- Major General: A Major General is subordinate to the rank of Lieutenant general. The insignia for this rank is a single star.
Senior Officers/Field Grade Officers Category
- Colonel: A colonel is denoted as the commanding officer of the entire regiment.
- Lieutenant Colonel: A lieutenant colonel is above a major and commands a specific group of battalions.
- Major: The Major commands auxiliary areas of the entire regiment.
Junior Officers/Company Grade Officers Category
- Captain: The rank of Captain is below a Major and the captain commands a company.
- Senior Lieutenant: A senior Lieutenant supervises the work of sergeant, detectives and other junior officers.
- Lieutenant: A Lieutenant act as a shift commander.
- Junior Lieutenant: A Junior Lieutenant assists the senior lieutenants in emergency situations and normal duties.
Under-Officers/Master Non-Commissioned Officers Category
- Senior Warrant Officer: A senior Warrant officer acts as a technical leader, supervisor and commander.
- Warrant Officer: They are responsible for organizing equipment, materials and various technical systems.
Sergeants and Pretty Officers Category
- Master Sergeant: The Master Sergeant of Russian police hierarchy, teaches the subordinates about the technical aspects of the weapons and about the troubleshooting phenomenon.
- Senior Sergeant: A Senior Sergeant is responsible for providing training and guidance to the fighting forces.
- Sergeant: They work for the municipal departments and are responsible for various disciplinary measures.
- Junior Sergeant: They provide guidance to the troops on police justice issues.
Soldiers Category
- Efreitor: They are senior soldiers, promoted after gaining experience.
- Private: They are junior and introductory level soldiers
To know more about Police Hierarchy in Germany Click Here