An organization consists of many sections, departments, officers etc. but all these aspects of the organization need to be administratively coordinated for the efficient functioning of the organization as a whole.
Business administration involves management of the company, its employees and various processes getting executed in the company. Business administrations need professionals at all the echelons of the company, to manage the administration tasks effectively.
For enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness, most of the companies formulate business administration hierarchies and arrange their administration professionals in these structured hierarchies.
A well-structured business administration hierarchy helps in coordinating the miscellaneous functions through a centralized administration. The major activities that fall under the category of administrative functions comprise of
- Receiving, registering & sending mail.
- Preserving, filing & retrieving information.
- Housekeeping & reception.
- General services like managing security, mess & canteen, maintenance of office equipment, infrastructure & company building etc.
The administrative professionals are placed at all the echelons of the organization to manage the administration activities. The business administration hierarchy in an organization includes following professionals in the below mentioned order (top to bottom):

- Board of Directors
- Managers
- Assistant Managers
- General Employees
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors of any organization is the highest level professionals involved in the business administration of the company. They are responsible for framing the administration objectives for the organization.
Their principle task is to lead the employees towards the organizational objectives and to frame the policies pertaining to the administration. These professionals often need to cultivate the influence to keep the related employees motivated towards the objectives and tasks involved in the administration.
Managers have a quite vital role to play in the business administration hierarchy, as they are responsible for designing & maintaining a performance oriented environment in the organization. Managers are required to act as facilitators than the commanding officers.
The facilitating role refers to the role in which managers maintain a creative environment and ensure the continuous availability of resources, tools, guidance, motivation and leadership to their employees in order to enhance their performance in administration related activities.
Assistant Managers
Assistant managers are the personnel who assist managers in various activities and act as mediators between the higher management and general employees.
These are majorly required to attaining the business objectives as set by higher management & board of directors for the Company administration section with the optimal utilization of all the resources & tools available. They are also responsible for guiding the general employees in their work to achieve the desired results.
General Employees
General employees, as every company possesses, are mostly the entry level employees who fill most of the front line positions in the company. They are responsible carrying out day to day activities of the organization. If we see from administration point of view, these are the personnel who handle the front office, security arrangements, meeting & greeting with the guests, attending the mails & other communication of the organization etc.