Germany, also known as the federal republic of Germany, is a federal parliamentary republic. The country belongs to the West-central Europe region. With a sum total of 16 states, the largest and the capital city of Germany is Berlin. Germany is considered as one of the major economic and political powers of the European continent. Germany is a member of the European Union. In this particular article, we will discuss in details about the German political hierarchy.
The whole German political system works according to the guidelines provided in the constitutional document known as the Basic law. According to the Basic law, Germany is a constitutional state and all the state authorities are subject to judicial control. According to the Basic law, the sole function of the state authority is to protect the human dignity. Moreover, as per the Basic law, Germany exhibits a representative democracy. As Germany is a federal state, the ruling authorities are divided into the central state and a number of member states.
President of Germany
The president is the head of the state and is at the top level of the German political hierarchy. The president is elected by the Bundesversammlung or the Federal Convention , which is an institution comprising of the members of the Bundestag and an equal number of state delegates. The delegates of each state are elected to the Federal Convention by the members of the state legislature The president mainly serves the supervisory and ceremonial duties. S/he gives important political and Germany Social debates.
President of the Bundestag (Bundestagsprasident)
This is the second highest position after the president of Germany. The president of the Bundestag is elected by all the members of the Bundestag, during the constituent session of each election period. The main duties of the president of the Bundestag are to chair the sessions of the Bundestag, to open and close the debates, to receive the statement of account of the political parties and to chair the Council of Elders.
Chancellor (Bundeskanzler)
This is the third highest grade in the Germany political hierarchy. The chancellor is appointed by the president of the Bundestag. The role of a chancellor is similar to the role of a Prime Minister as in other parliamentary democracies. The chancellor is responsible for implementing various government policies. The cabinet ministers have to follow the policy guidelines set by the chancellor.
Cabinet of Germany (Bundeskabinett)
The cabinet of Germany consists of the Chancellor and the cabinet ministers and is the chief executive body of the Federal republic of Germany. The cabinet ministers are appointed by the President upon proposal of the Chancellor. These ministers are required to overlook various aspects of the country and they specialize in their individual portfolio.
Federal Legislature
The federal legislature is divided between the Bundestag and the Bundesrat. The Bundestag is more powerful than the Bundesrat. The regional states are represented by the Bundesrat and people can directly elect him /her.
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