Concentrating on the management of a sports organization is an important aspect in order to attain an expertise of professional level. There are various newcomers into this field without any previous records or background. They are not well experienced about the internal levels of sports management and therefore, the job of a sports psychologist becomes important in this case.
The sports psychologists have the capability to create special programs for the beginners to help them cope with the different levels of stress. An organizational structure is very much needed in any type of sports organization. In this particular journal, we will discuss about the High School Sports Hierarchy.
A high school sports organization consists of different levels of professionals to deliver the required quality training to the enthusiastic sportsmen. The professional helps in developing various traits of sportsmen such as attention and concentration control, communication, energy management, goal setting, visualization and mental practice, team building and time management etc.
The professionals train the sports personnel with various exercises in order to develop the above skills. For example, in order to enhance the concentration levels, they teach various breathing techniques and provide attention control raining to the individuals. In order to increase the communication, they teach active listening and communication skills. For energy management, they teach them with various breathing exercises, progressive relaxation techniques, meditation and cognitive techniques.
Below is the list of professionals, who are an important part of a High School Sports Hierarchy.

Sports Trainer
- A sports trainer works with the team to provide acute ad long term care for athletic injuries.
- A sports trainer designs and monitors rehabilitation programs.
- A trainer demonstrates an athlete as how to exercise certain sports moves.
- A trainer teaches the athletes about all the safety tips that they should consider while performing in a particular sport.
Physical Therapist
- A physical therapist works in the sports clinic to provide acute and long term care for a variety of sport related injuries.
- The therapist evaluates medical records of athletes and recommended various diagnostic tests as per the condition of the athletes.
- A therapist administers manual exercises to increase the strength of the athletes.
- This is one of the important levels of the High School Sports hierarchy and is also called as the organizational leader of a specific sports team.
- The coach teaches various sport specific skills and strategies to the athletes.
- They develop various training programs for the athletes.
- They undertake various administrative tasks related to the sports department.
- They assist in the sports promotion and development.
- A sports psychologist is trained in clinical and counseling psychology to provide various therapies to the athletes, in order to solve a broad range of emotional and behavioral issues.
- They search for ways, as how to manage the attitudes of sports persons in order to improve both the individual and the team performance.
Performance Enhancement Consultants
- They are also known as sports psychology consultants or mental coaches in the high school sports hierarchy.
- They provide both individual and group consultations to solve various performance related issues of the sports persons.