Hospitality industry has become a centre of attraction for youngsters these days due to various impeccable benefits related to this field. The major one being that it never gets affected by the recession. Hotel management is a part of this huge and wide industry. Hotel management involves management of all hotels’ assets and other elements for a smooth working of the hotel. There are many job levels in the hotel management hierarchy and all these are explained below in brief in a descending order means the highest management level in the hotel management hierarchy is placed at the top and the lowest one at the end.

Administrative Level
- Director / Head of the Management
- Hotel Manager
Executive Level
- Assistant to Hotel Manager
- HR Manager
Operational Level
- Customer Representative
- Chefs
- Hotel’s Supporting Staff
Administrative Level
This level of the hotel management hierarchy exercises maximum power and authority and all the administrative decisions are taken under their consideration.
- Director / Head of the Management – The highest level in the hotel management hierarchy is of the head of the hotel also referred as the director. All the important decisions regarding the hotel management are finalized after the director’s approval.
- Hotel Manager – The hotel manager is practically the highest authority in the hotel on daily basis since he is the person who takes care of entire hotel’s administration, staff members and their working along with the customer’s care and fulfillment of the customer’s requirements.
Executive Level
The middle level of the hotel management hierarchy is the executive level whose major job duty involves fulfillment of goals set by the top level (administration group).
- Assistant to Hotel Manager – As the name implies, this covetous professional works as an assistant to the hotel manager following the orders of the latter. He acts as an in-charge in absence of the hotel manager.
- HR Manager – HR managers are human resource expertise professionals. Their key responsibilities involve hiring and recruiting officials for the hotel management along with maintaining the attendance, salaries track etc.
Operational Level
This is the lowest level of the hotel management hierarchy i.e. the operational level.
- Customer Representative – Well this might be a low level in the hotel management hierarchy but this is one of the most important positions. A customer representative is basically a representative of the hotel’s elegance, suave and standard of entertainment since this professional is directly related to the hotel’s first impact on the client.
- Chefs (or Cook) – A chef works mainly in the hotel’s kitchen to prepare, cook and season the ordered meals for hotel clients. Along with cooking, a chef is also responsible for overseeing the kitchen staff and ensuring the kitchen complies with health standards.
- Hotel’s Supporting Staff – These all are professionals who are specialized in their respective work. This category involves persons like helpers, waiters, room service, cleanliness staff, kitchen helping staff members etc.