The Japanese society witnessed various form of classification on the basis of different factors. One such way of segregating the society was the feudal system. Japanese Feudal Military hierarchy portrays the classification of Japanese military ranks during the middle ages means at the time of feudal Japan.
These ranks were according to the power one possessed. The government of Japan during feudal period was quite complex and obscure one. The major reason was the fact that during this duration the military was the highest integrated part of the kingdom and enjoyed superior powers. The powers of Shogun were quite similar to that of the king at that time. The detailed description of the Japanese Feudal Military hierarchy is summarized as below in a manner starting with the top most military rank and ending with the lowest one.

The Emperor or the King
Well practically Shoguns possessed hold over the entire Japanese military yet traditionally the emperor was supposed to lead the entire nation on military basis too. Shoguns were expected to consult the king for each and every matter related to Japanese military. So this was the highest rank in the Japanese Feudal Military hierarchy.
The Shoguns
Practically Shoguns were the true military ruler of Japan. The entire country and its civilian’s safety was their responsibility. The modern rank of the title Shogun is equivalent to the rank of the General of the military. They were liable to answer only to the emperor. These were the supreme power holder in the Japanese Feudal Military hierarchy.
The Daimyo
The next rank in this hierarchy is the Daimyo who were also referred to as the warlords. The order of the Shogun was the ultimate decision for them. They were to obey that order without a single question even if they have to sacrifice their life for that. They were provided specific provinces in feudal Japan and they possessed maximum authority in terms of economy and power in that province.
The Samurai
The army of Daimyo was made up of elite warriors. These were soldiers who by some special service in the war or at the time of need had proved themselves superior among others. They enjoyed extra privileges along with superior social status. Even today people with Samurai (family names) are indulged with great admiration in Japan. A Samurai was considered to bring Honor to his family by his service to the kingdom. They were to serve according to the orders of the Daimyo.
Nobility Court
These were not actually military personnel but incorporated the court of justice. They had little power and normally were equipped with members from royal family.
Elite Soldiers
This level incorporates the lowest members of the Japanese Feudal Military hierarchy. These were the soldiers who served the Samurais in their troops. Those showing true example of courage used to get promoted to the Samurai level.