New Apostolic Church Hierarchy

The New Apostolic church or NAC is a church which originated from the Catholic Apostolic church. This church existed in Germany since the year 1863 and also in Netherlands.  This is a Chiliastic church which originated from the schism in Hamburg.

The New Apostolic church considers itself to be the re-establishment of the early church. It considers that the leaders are the successors to the 12 apostles and this concepts somewhat is similar to the Restorationalism.  Like any other court, even the New Apostolic church follows a fixed structure which is hierarchical in nature. The court is headed by apostles and is composed of different ministries.  The highest minister in the congregation conducts the service and the following is the detailed hierarchical structure of this court.

New Apostolic Church hierarchyApostles

  • Chief Apostle-the chief apostle occupies the highest position in the Apostolic Catholic church and is its head. He has the power and responsibility of appointing new apostles but in some conditions and situations, other apostles could also perform this function.
  • District apostles-District apostles work directly under and very close to the chief apostles. Each of the district apostles has the responsibility of heading regional churches. These apostles are helped and assisted by different apostles in their duties.
  • Apostles-the apostle ministry holds an important place in the NAC and there are a total of 360 or more apostles working in the world at present. They assist the direct apostles as well.


The priests occupy the second level of responsibilities and power in the NAC and the priest ministry carries out the Holy Communion and Holy Baptism.  The following are some of the ministries within this level:

  • Bishops-the bishops support and assist the apostles in their day to day works and can work in multiple church districts as well.
  • District elders-these priests are the leaders of a regional church district.
  • Shepherds-a shepherd is a priest or ministry that works locally and mostly leads a large congregation.
  • District evangelists-these priests are responsible for supporting and assisting the district elders.
  • Priests-they provide spiritual care to the other members of the ministry and there may be several priests working in the same district.
  • Evangelists-these priests work locally and lead groups. These priests are charged with the testimony of faith and work for newly developed congregations.


The ministry of deacons is a local ministry. Each of the deacons works in the home congregation and supports priests.  In case the priests are absent, the deacons hold the divine service.

This is the structure of New Apostolic Church Hierarchy. Also know about Old Apostolic Church Hierarchy.