The New South Wales Police Force is the nomenclature given to the law and order maintaining agency in the region of New South Wales. Responsible for enforcing and maintaining the law and order this agency works under the aegis of Government of New South Wales. The region under its command is evenly distributed into “Local Area Commands” which are controlled by various police stations put up to strengthen the legal structure.
The New South Wales Police force has been structured into three main detachments namely:

- Corporate Services,
- Special Operations Contingent
- Field Contingent
Each contingent has its specific responsibility and has a dedicated attaché of personnel to fulfill these duties. The corporate service contingent is responsible for recruitment, training, tabulating of records, MIS, the armory, public and legal affairs and other administrative works in the police force. The Special Operations contingent takes care of criminal investigation, counter terrorism operation, intelligence, forensics etc.
The Field operation group takes case of general policing work including the traffic operations in the catchment allocated. Each contingent is headed by a Deputy Commissioner level officer.
The New South Wales police Hierarchy can broadly be articulated into three groups, i.e. lowest levels, the middle and the senior level officers in the following format:

- Constabulary Grade
- Non-Commissioned Personnel
- Commissioned Grade
Constabulary Grade
At the lowest level in New South Wales Police Hierarchy is the constable grade. Personnel in this grade are inducted on probation for initial one year period. On successful completion of this probation they are confirmed as constables. These personnel are entrusted with the basic law enforcing and policing duties. Personnel in this grade have to pass specific examinations to be promoted to next level of hierarchy
Non-Commissioned Personnel
These personnel are part of middle level police force. These may generally include nametags such as sergeants, detectives etc. These law enforcing officials apart from their regular law enforcing duties are also entrusted with crime investigations, intelligence services, forensics investigation etc. Officers in this grade are also entrusted with team handling and managing a team in Local Area Command. Unlike in the constabulary grade, a merit based system has been devised for promoting the officers in this level. A separate merit list for each cadre is prepared and approved by the head of police service.
Commissioned Grade
This grade comprises of top brass of New South Wales Police Hierarchy. The cadres forming the part of this level are the Inspector, Chief Inspector, Superintendent, Chief Superintendent, Assistant Commissioner, Senior Assistant Commissioner, Deputy Commissioner and Commissioner. Commissioner is the top most level officer in the New South Wales Police hierarchy. These officers are responsible for overall law and order in their respective jurisdictions. This brass is also the one that plays a primary role in forming the legislations w.r.t. the law and order in the territory of New South Wales.
Like any organization the New South Wales Police contingent also works like well-oiled machinery with each level working hand in hand to maintain law, peace and harmony in the territory.
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