The Roman Religious Hierarchy explains the beliefs, rituals, superstitions and the traditions which the Roman Civilization collected over history of generations. Roman Religion was not One God Believer. Their Religion accompanied more than 100 Gods and Goddesses. Their Spiritualism beliefs showcase their belief in the Nature’s Forces which control this world and also the mankind. The Roman Religious Hierarchy is greatly influenced by the Greek Religious Hierarchy.
Their Religious beliefs are full of Superstitions, Prayers, Sacrifices, Omens and Countryside Festivals. They perform Prayers at temples and at homes. Once they were ready to do Sacrifices just to please Gods and Goddesses at the name of Religion, were afraid of Omens and were so superstitious that they would tremble at certain Superstitions. They had full belief in spirits, ghosts and demons. Festivals were organized to please the Gods.
There were twelve Major Gods and Goddesses who were primarily honored and amended by the Ancient Romans. These were referred as DiiConsentes and included – Juno, Jupiter, Vesta, Minerva, Ceres, Venus, Diana, Mars, Neptunus, Mercurius, Apollo and Volcanus. Following here gives a brief description of these Major Gods as well as some of the Minor Gods as well.

I. Apollo – The God of the Poetry, Music, Sun and also Oracles was referred as the God Apollo.
II. Jupiter – Jupiter was also referred as the God Jove. Jupiter was considered the King of all of the Gods. He was also the God of Rain and Sky.
III. Juno – Juno was considered the Goddess of Marriage.
IV. Mars – Mars was always considered as a fierce God who was the God of War.
V. Mercury – Mercury was the God of Finance and Commerce and was also the Messenger for the Gods.
VI. Cupid – Cupid was the God of Love and Romance.
VII. Minerva – Minerva was considered the Goddess of the City, Science, and Education and of Wisdom.
- Ceres – The Goddess of Agriculture was termed as Ceres.
IX. Vesta – Vesta was considered the Goddess of Roman State and the Hearth also.
X. Neptune – The God of Sea and Oceans was referred as the Neptune.
XI. Pluto – Underworld was handled by God Pluto.
XII. Saturn – The God of Harvest and Agriculture was Saturn.
XIII. Venus – Considered the most beautiful among all the Goddesses, the Goddess Venus was the Goddess of Beauty and Grace.
XIV. Vulcan – The God of Blacksmiths, Fire as well as the Forge was God Vulcan
XV. Diana – The Goddess of Hunting was termed as Goddess Diana.
The Roman Religious Hierarchy is incomplete without introducing Roman’s old belief which is the Vestal Virgins. There were six Vestal Virgins and all of them were chosen at a very young age traditionally. It was a great honor to be chosen as a Vestal Virgin. For ten years they were bound to serve as Novices and for next ten years they were let free to do their actual responsibilities and then for the next ten years they were required to teach the Novices. Their major responsibility was to guard and take care of the sacred fire inside the temple.