Texas is the second most populous state of the fifty states in the United States of America. Austin is the capital of the state. Houston is the largest city of the state and San Antonio is the second largest city of the state. Each and every city or districts have their own law enforcement organization and all of them collectively meet together to form the state police department. The police structures and the ranks are somehow similar in all of the districts or cities, with some minute variations in the job roles that are being conducted by the officials. In this particular article, we will discuss about the organization structure of the state and the Texas police hierarchy in details.
The police rank structure of Texas is as follows, starting from the higher rank towards the lower ranks.

- Chief of Police: The Texas police department is headed by the Chief of Police, who is a law enforcement officer appointed by the mayor and confirmed by the State Council. The Chief investigates, directs and plans all the activities of the police department. They develop and implement various law enforcement programs for the state and maintain field control during the community emergencies.
- Executive Assistant Chief of Police: The Executive Assistant Chief of Police is second in command to the Chief of Police in the Texas police hierarchy. They are responsible for carrying out all the daily operations under the direction and supervision of the police chief. The daily duties of the Executive Assistant Chief of Police includes studying the crime reports, preparing staff reports and about various police activities, studying latest criminal law trends and making budget and operational recommendations for the particular division or department.
- Assistant Chief of Police: The Assistant Chief of Police is responsible for hiring and training the employees of the division. The roles include assigning police projects to the subordinate employees as per the department’s programs and policies. The Assistant Chief of Police also accounts for evaluating the performance of the subordinates, assisting the employees in the problematic areas and coordinating various staff training programs.
- Police Captain: A Police captain oversees the daily operations of the police force. The captain ensures that the officers and other employees are acting within the departmental jurisdictions.
- Police Lieutenant: The responsibilities of the Police Lieutenant in the Texas police hierarchy varies according to the number of ranking officers and the distribution of responsibilities. A Lieutenant supervises the work of the sergeants, police officers and the civilian employees.
- Police Sergeant: The Police Sergeants supervise the work of the patrol officers and assign specific tasks to the police officers. They also enforce laws to monitor traffic, visit the crime scenes and arrest the criminals.
- Senior Corporal: A Senior Corporal assigns cases to different police officers and oversees the investigations and the relevant reports of all type of illegal activities.
- Police Officer: The police officers are the last rank in the Texas police hierarchy and they mainly patrol areas such as parks, recreation centers and malls for the sake of public safety. They also keep a look on the drug users and the trespassers and arrest them as per the legislative rules.
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